Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September Working Bee and Good-bye Luke!

It was another lovely Spring day for our September Working Bee but sadly it was also Luke's last. We will miss him and his lovely calm energy in our gardens but we wish him happy gardening in Canberra.
Now that we have some money for our extension thanks to the grant that Ian managed to get, we spent time clearing part of the space and working out what to do about fencing, as well as clearing the other side of the fence near the tracks to facilitate council mowing.
We recently had our AGM as well, with Georgina becoming our new Treasurer and Liz our new Membership Coordinator, so with new members coming and old members going changes are afoot.
One of our new members, Rushida, is inspiring everyone to new heights of gourmet delights with an Indian Feast planned for our next working bee in October ...stay tuned for some luscious photos and no doubt some additions to our recipe page as well!

Posted by Rebecca.