Monday, September 29, 2008

Working Bee This Sunday and Fringe Festival Event

On Saturday4th and Sunday 5th October the Lennox Street "Happy New Life" Community Garden will be open to the public as part of the Fringe Festival (thanks to Liz for this info!).
Please click here for more details.
A few of us will be going along on this Sunday 5th October, before coming to OUR WORKING BEE at 1.30 pm. Don't forget Daylight Savings time starts that day too.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gardens History: Part 1

Marijka has a wonderful collection of photos of the development of the gardens dating back to 1997, and I thought it'd be interesting for everyone to see how far we've come!
So here is Part 1;
Summer 1997-ish...while the gardens and shed were being built, and before the shed was burnt.
Also, you can see this is taken before the revegetation area was a twinkle in anyone's eye.

Friday, September 19, 2008

You can order your own calendars now!

Yes, Red Bubble have now made it possible for anyone to purchase a calendar online, so you no longer have to go through me or just click here now and scroll down to the calendars (under the tshirts) and buy all your friends and family calendars for Christmas...don't forget all profits go into the gardens coffers!

Maybe you could pick up a few Christmas cards while you're there?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Revised Tank

Unfortunately the very attractive and perfect for us Tankmaster 12000 litre tank has been discontinued, but we have now put in a Landcare Grant application for this equally stylish- if not quite so handsome Tankmaster 10000 litre tank. Everybody cross your fingers... and toes...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Reservoir Library Display

This is a display of Ros's and Marijka's felt pieces, as well as a display promoting the gardens that we have set up at Reservoir Library for two weeks. Check it out if you're in the area.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tank love

This is the Tankmasta TA1403 12000 litre water tank that we are currently coveting for our gardens. Handsome devil isn't he?
If you would like to check out other tanks available go to the Enviro-friendly web-site here.