Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Water Tanks

The first draft of the two roofs in the garden... done by Chris the Younger.
He has also made extensive notes on "Positioning of Water Tank (s)" under the headings of "Things to Consider" including absolutely stunning pieces of info:
"Note: Average yearly rainfall to 2000 about 630 mm per yr.
2004 - 602 mm
2005 - 589 mm
2007 - 310 mm

All of Chris's calculations and notes can be seen and discussed at the working bee.

Hopefully we will have a fabulous number of people at the next working bee this coming Sunday. March 2nd at 1.30pm where we can continue to discuss the Water tanks and what needs to be done.
We have already fulfilled some of the criteria that Community Water Grants consider important if they are to grant money for a water project.

1. Roz has approached Bunnings and Miter 10 for assistance with success.
2. Rebecca has sold $100 worth of Tshirt on the NcgRedBubble site. Money going towards the Water Tank project.
3. I have spoken to Darebin Council and they are more than happy to give us a letter of recommendation.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Wurundjeri Acknowledgement

Antar Victoria are selling these Traditional Owner acknowledgment plaques, and in light of our Government's recent Apology to Indigenous Australians perhaps we could also express our respect, and get one for our front gate?

Water tank update

The February Working Bee was very productive, with a good turn-out and some serious weeding being done. Our next big project is the research for obtaining a grant for a water tank- the biggest we can get!
Marijka, Ros and Chris have already started gathering some of the preliminary information but we'll all need to chip in. Here is an extract from Ros's latest email on the subject:

"We are going to need to get comprehensive quotes for labour and materials from 2 plumbers so am putting it out there does anyone have any plumbers they know or contacts ??? We also thought that at the next working bee on 2nd MARCH at 1.30 if we could get as many ideas from you all, as to what you think about what needs to be considered and the type of questions that we need to ask the plumber in order to get a comprehensive quote, I'm sure some of you already know the answers to some of these things eg where is the best place to put this tank or possibly do we need 2 seperate ones, what sort of bases do they need ,how high do they have to be, and a whole range of other things. So please come along and offer your expertise because this is a large project for us and we will all benefit from it, many hands make light work and it will take input from everyone to make this happen."

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Organic Gardener

The latest Organic Gardener has arrived.. Hooray.. It is in the library container in the garden's shed. If you wish to borrow it there is a library notebook into which you can sign your name and the date borrowed and then when you have returned it sign off.
The latest version is to be borrowed for two weeks only...