Friday, November 12, 2010


Well I know what my job is... Grow and be beautiful...All the other members have to finish the raised bed... Rocks on the bottom layer, cardboard and hessian layer, then a weed matting then the soil .. so that the roots from the neighboring She Oaks do not come through like they like to do and this is the reason for the Raised Bed...

The pile. One and 3 quarters of scoria rocks, two and a quarter of 'veggie mix' be wheel barrowed down to the bottom of the garden and put into our raised bed...

and here we go.. shovel shovel shovel....Pauline, Ian, Ros, Christine and Justin.

Backbreaking work..but it's gotta be done..

but at this end it's definitely a FUN working bee...all we have to do is load all that earth and rock in.. easy...

I need to get right into it.. says Vince..

Stretch it this way.. Stretch it that way..a weed mat looks like a weed mat.

The word is "working Bee" this one looks like a "Fun Bee"...

Christine, Chris who a minute before was doing somesort of boogie woogie entertaining young Eddie and his mum Edain.

Watch those fingers boys...

A good vantage point.

A well known hat... beautifully worn by Justin..

WELL a job well done..

Had to do it twice so i could feature as well.

and another Birthday Yay....hooray says the birthday Rebecca..

ANOTHER triumph... Lemon tart by Ros...awaiting the recipe.

So much delicious joice..

Going home... Gotta catch that train....

I usually carry a bunch of rhubarb's what I do.

Photography.. Pauline, Heather, Marijka
Posted by marijka

PS..Check out Christine's delicious Broad Bean recipe in the side panel.....We all enjoyed it..Broad Beans also grown by Christine..

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