Monday, November 26, 2007

Meeting and welcome.

Firstly, welcome to our new members Kate and Benedict! Kate and Benedict have helped out at working bees in the past and are now fully fledged, plot holding members of the gardens.

Yesterday (Sunday 25th) was the day we had all agreed on to be our next meeting to re-elect office bearers and discuss the rules and guidlines to be submitted to the Consumer Affairs Dept.
Unfortunately there were not enough members present to hold the election.

Those present (Ros, Marijka, Jane, Chris, Rebecca and Vince) were able to have a productive discussion about the new rules and guidelines thanks to the amazing amount of work Marijka and her partner Steve have put into researching, writing and typing up the submission. Thank-you so much for all that time and effort Marijka and Steve, it's not a fun job!

Ros (looking stunning in her new "I love Community gardens" tshirt) has contacted Mitre 10 and Bunnings in an attempt to get them to help out with a water tank (or 2) and has had an offer of discounts from Mitre 10, but is still waiting to hear from Bunnings. Also Marijka has some info. on grants being offered early next year and anyone interested in helping organise our submissions for these will get together on Sunday 3rd February.

Our Christmas "Do" has been organised for 12.30 Sunday 9th would be great to see you all there and please bring a plate.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the compliment Reb after all it is your design how could one go wrong and congratulations, I think on my count you have made about 14 sales for the garden fundraising. Ros

marijka said...

Thanks rebecca . you are agood cheer leader...So Roz has counted 14 sales..on The big Bubble congratulations...