Wednesday, November 7, 2007

November 4th 2007.Working bee in the Glorious Rain.

Kim demonstrating the art of sawing..
Biggles and Chris demonstrating the art of.......

Louise, Ruby, Kim, Joshua, Roz and Marijka braved the wet, glorious wet, and sorted out the accumulated rubbish behind the shed..ready for a skip. We are sorry to loose Louise as a plotholder but she is staying on as an associate member.. Yay...
Also Malcolm has let go of his plot but is staying on as an associate member.. Yay...
Diana has also let go of her plot and we are hoping to twist her arm to stay on as an associate member..
Roz is patiently going through the waiting list...
The T-shirts on Redbubble are selling like hotcakes...

Published by marijka
Photos marijka

1 comment:

reb said...

Good on you all for facing a working bee in that weather, I was driving across Gippsland narrowly missing the floods at the time!